120 members
Dues rate - $2.00
Members in this local are employed at:
Parks Canada
Local Executive Listing
Contact |
Tel |
Email |
President Angela Decker |
(709) 458-8119 |
Vice-President Robert Bugden |
(709) 458-8619 |
Secretary Bonnie Lou Hutchings |
(709) 632-3672 |
Treasurer Nena Crocker |
(416) 455-8653 |
Chief Steward Marsha Crocker |
(709) 636-4114 |
Local Representative for Health and Safety Keith Payne |
(709) 458-8844 |
Young Worker Representative Annalee Hynes |
(709) 450-0072 |
Shop Steward Lindsey Moorhouse |
Shop Steward Bruce Gillam |
(709) 458-7326 |
Shop Steward Phillip Bridle |
(709) 927-7736 |
Shop Steward Todd Gallant |
(709) 458-8804 |
Shop Steward Kevin Young |
(709) 454-6446 |
Shop Steward Keith Payne |
(709) 458-8844 |
To update this list, please download our Local Executive Website Update form.