- They represent UNE members on final level grievances and National Joint Council (NJC) grievances at levels II and III. They also act as liaisons for all classification grievances;
- They provide consultation and representation, and are technical advisors at national consultation committees;
- They represent UNE members who have filed staffing complaints and choose union representation;
- They represent UNE members appearing before the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) on staffing complaints;
- They provide advice and guidance to members of the National Executive, regional teams and Locals;
- They provide interpretations of collective agreements, policies, directives, guidelines, legislation and regulations;
- They work with the employer to resolve workplace issues for members.
Together, with your regional and Local union representatives, they form an invaluable team that is here to help you. If you need advice on a workplace issue, are concerned about protecting your rights or think you may be experiencing discrimination or harassment, we highly encourage you to contact your Local union representative first.
National Labour Relations Officer Assignments