340 members
Dues rate - 0.1500%
Members in this local are employed at:
House of Commons
Local Executive Listing
Contact |
Tel |
Email |
President Gilles Lavigne |
(613) 724-6372 |
Vice-President Charles Joanisse |
(613) 862-1553 |
Secretary Jean-Claude Mbuyi-Mbala |
(613) 992-4682 |
Treasurer Jonathan Brassard |
(514) 686-0235 |
Chief Steward Claude Boilard |
(613) 996-2573 |
Local Representative for Human Rights Jonathan Ruffo |
(343) 551-0220 |
Local Representative for Health and Safety Jonathan Ruffo |
(343) 551-0220 |
Other Claude Boilard |
(613) 996-2573 |
Shop Steward Jean-Claude Mbuyi-Mbala |
(613) 992-4682 |
Shop Steward Michael Rogoff |
(613) 327-5636 |
Shop Steward Jennifer Spallin |
(613) 995-8001 |
Shop Steward Anik Gauvin |
(514) 742-0494 |
Shop Steward Jonathan Brassard |
(514) 686-0235 |
Shop Steward Ellen McRae |
(613) 728-8066 |
Shop Steward Gilles Lavigne |
(613) 724-6372 |
Shop Steward Charles Joanisse |
(613) 862-1553 |
Shop Steward Jonathan Ruffo |
(343) 551-0220 |
Shop Steward Ktrisha Aubry |
(613) 992-3183 |
Shop Steward Claude Boilard |
(613) 996-2573 |
Shop Steward Anna Braddon |
(613) 869-0662 |
Shop Steward Dominique Savoie |
(819) 592-0439 |
To update this list, please download our Local Executive Website Update form.