772 members
Dues rate - $2.75
Members in this local are employed at:
Canadian Heritage
Local Bylaws
Local Executive Listing
Contact | Tel | |
President Simon Gnocchini-Messier |
Simon.UNESEN.70172@gmail.com | |
Vice-President Alex Cousineau |
Alex.UNESEN.70172@gmail.com | |
Vice-President Jacynthe Menier |
Jacynthe.UNESEN.70172@gmail.com | |
Vice-President Katharine Lepora |
Katharine.UNESEN.70172@gmail.com | |
Secretary and Treasurer Marc Rathier |
marc.rathier70172@gmail.com | |
Local Representative for Human Rights Yvette Yende-Ashiri |
To update this list, please download our Local Executive Website Update form.