697 members
Dues rate - $6.00
Members in this local are employed at:
Global Affairs Canada
International Joint Commission (IJC)
Local Bylaws
Local Executive Listing
Contact | Tel | |
President Katherine Cyr |
(613) 325-7697 | katherine.local70044@gmail.com |
Vice-President Richard Dix |
(343) 573-5347 | |
Secretary Kristel Veliz Acevedo |
(647) 913-7835 | |
Treasurer Stephen Smith |
(613) 986-2937 | treasurer70044@gmail.com |
Chief Steward Girma Lemma |
(613) 314-3260 | |
Local Representative for Human Rights Charina Betty |
(819) 592-5188 | |
Local Representative for Health and Safety Natasa Forte |
(514) 922-3678 | |
Shop Steward Diego Matteo |
(613) 261-0597 | ssds1.70044@gmail.com |
To update this list, please download our Local Executive Website Update form.