337 members
Dues rate - 0.2500%
Members in this local are employed at:
Parks Canada
Local Bylaws
Local Executive Listing
Contact | Tel | |
President Adelaide King |
president.union30117@gmail.com | |
Vice-President Veronique Gelinas |
vicepresident.30117@gmail.com | |
Secretary Hugh Crawford |
union.secretary30117@gmail.com | |
Treasurer Joseph Abraham |
banfftreasurer30117@gmail.com | |
Chief Steward Elizabeth Edmondson |
chiefsteward30117@gmail.com | |
Local Representative for Health and Safety Chloe Marshall |
Other Stephenie Gignac |
communications.union.30117@gmail.com | |
Shop Steward Skyler Langendoen |
(403) 418-7099 |
To update this list, please download our Local Executive Website Update form.