43 members
Dues rate - $4.00
Members in this local are employed at:
Statistics Canada - Data Collection Clerks (Formerly SSO)
Local Bylaws
Local Executive Listing
Contact | Tel | |
President Laurie Tomlinson |
(250) 365-0504 | |
Vice-President Vaheed Kiarash |
(604) 603-2244 | |
Secretary Lisa Incantalupo-Ardzivian |
Treasurer Candy Lo |
(778) 321-5351 | |
Chief Steward William Cahoon |
(604) 725-3070 | chiefsteward20140@gmail.com |
Local Representative for Human Rights Shirina Karimi |
humanrightsrep20140@gmail.com | |
Local Representative for Health and Safety Seehow Soon |
(604) 723-0992 | |
Other Roxanne Rousseau |
(604) 253-4287 | |
Shop Steward Brian Barr |
steward20140@outlook.com |
To update this list, please download our Local Executive Website Update form.