Terms of Reference

January 2022

Section A - Finance:

  1.  The Committee will review Policies and Bylaws concerning component finances on an ongoing basis and recommend changes as appropriate.
  2. The Committee shall review the monthly component financial statements on an ongoing basis and provide comments to the National Executive as required.
  3. The Committee shall provide costing on all items referred to it by the National Executive or the National President.
  4. All requests for funding for locals, except grants to new locals shall be submitted to the Committee for review and recommendation to the National Executive.
  5. All non-budgeted items shall be referred to the committee for recommendation back to the National Executive.
  6. The Committee shall review the component's annual audited financial statements prior to submission to the National Executive.
  7. The Committee shall review the proposed component budget prior to submission to the Union of National Employees Triennial Convention Finance Committee.
  8. Review the investment portfolio and policy annually and recommend changes as appropriate.
  9. The Committee shall review overtime incurred.
  10. In the event of a dispute over Executive expenses, such matters may be referred to the committee for recommendation back to the National Executive.
  11. The Committee shall review all other matters which may be referred to it.
  12. Union of National Employees members in good standing may attend meetings of the committee as an observer. All expenses incurred by observers attending the meeting are the responsibility of the individual observer or his or her local.  Prior approval must be sought from the chair.
  13. Should the chair of the committee be absent from the National Executive meeting, the committee members will decide amongst themselves who will present the report of the committee.
  14. Quorum for the committee is 50 percent of established committee members.

Section B - Human Resources :

  1. Provide advice and recommendations to the National President on issues regarding management of component employees.
  2. Review and make recommendations on our succession planning policies for the component;
  3. Review and make recommendations on professional development and training policies for component employees;
  4. Review and make recommendations on other human resources policies with the aim of ensuring good labour relations and practices within the component;
  5. Make recommendations with respect to establishing employer bargaining demands in negotiations with the Alliance Employees Union;
  6. Provide assistance and/or direction on staff grievances when requested by the national officers.
  7. A member of the Committee shall sit as a management team member of the Union of National Employees negotiating team.
  8. The Committee will report directly to the National President on sensitive issues, such as individual complaints or grievances, and to the National Executive on policy issues.
  9. Review all deletions or additions to positions on the organizational chart and provide update to the National Executive.
  10. The National Executive Vice-President or a member of the committee may assist the National President with Human Resources matters when dealing with individual employees.

Committee Members


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